Detox tea, why I started and why I won't stop....
So Dr Oz... That mother f#cking sorcerer... I'm not even sure how he does it... he sucks you in, and next thing you know you're watching reruns of his show from the early 2000s in your spare time and trying to find a cure for the flu... but I'll give him one thing - his detox recipes are a winner... seriously, he's a genius...
Initially I was skeptical about the whole detox tea thing, but I was feeling like absolute crap mainly because I had eatten like five blackout cakes one morning, so while I was looking for new things to add to my smoothies, I found the Dr. Oz detox tea recipe online, and at this point I was up for trying anything... and so I caved...
I'm not going to lie I expected it to taste horrific, but it turns out, I was pleasantly surprised... more than pleasantly... like how had I been so judgemental of tea?! ...
So as I do... I altered his recipe a bit and cut back on the honey (because I couldn't find any) and came up with the surprising tasty mix of... green tea, lemon juice, fresh ginger and apple cider vinegar... with the option of adding turmeric or cayenne pepper depending on my mood... and I iced it... and that sh!t's delicious!...
Why? You ask is this combination so good for you? Well, green tea increases your metabolism, it's full of antioxidants and it has been proven to improve brain function...lemon juice is antibacterial, contains vitamin C, potassium and calcium, and is overall great for weight loss.... apple cider vinegar, it lowers blood sugar levels, helps with digestion and decreases your risk of diabetes. Winning! - and ginger? Well apparently that shit might help to prevent cancer, it is also anti-inflammatory and lowers cholesterol.. so I'm all for that! What a combo!
It made me feel so energetic and awake... and somehow I've been able to replace my morning coffee with this. Don't ask! I don't get it either? I mean, I love coffee, like basically I don't function without it... I also think somehow it has helped me regulate my sleep pattern too, which was all over the freaking place.. and now I sleep like a baby, and wake up feeling more refreshed than ever... I'm not sure if it is psychological? (Now that I've just read back over this - I feel like I sound a bit insane.. and it sounds ridiculous...) but this stuff really works for me... and maybe it'll work for you?
Dr Oz recommends you drink it before breakfast and before dinner, so thats what I did! And just like any detox its good to take some days off here and there to reset the system... so....
I made my iced tea like this,
3-4 Green tea bags
2 litres of water
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 inch fresh ginger
1/8 cup apple cider vinegar
Grab a big pitcher, and make two cups of green tea with two tea bags in each, let these steep for 3 minutes...
While thats happening peel and chop up your ginger into half cm squares or slices or sticks. how ever you feel...
Pop the ginger into the pitcher along with the lemon juice and apple cider vinegar and pour in the green tea, keep the tea bags and use them to make two more cups of tea... and then... add that tea into the pitcher too and pop it into the fridge over night.
Once its chilled, drink away! And I can promise you this tea will wiggle its way into your life for the better...
Just the way it has wiggled its refreshing and delicious ass into mine
Now sit back and sip your refreshing detox tea knowing you are trying your hardest to undo the damage you did to your liver and your pride on Saturday (fist bump).
Congratulations, you are one step closer to being just like all those fitspo girls on instagram. WOoHOo!