
About the lemons 🍋
Remember when you were a kid, and all you wanted was to be was a grown up? It seemed so great... You could buy whatever you wanted, eat whatever you wanted, do whatever you wanted, say bad words, drink out of those pretty glasses, no school? Yeah you all know what I talking about. Now you're in your early 20s (okay mid 20s... Late 20s... Whatever) and the truth is, you don't actually have any money to buy all the things you ever wanted, you're lucky if you can even buy a 50c cone from McDonalds, your parents won't get off your back about being 'independent', friends are getting married and having babies - in fact you're thinking of freezing your eggs - you eat a tub of ice cream and you go up a dress size... That absolutely never happened when you were a kid! WHAT THE F*#& has happened to your life? Adulthood sucks!
And then you find Oh Sweet Lemon, a place where you find out that we're all the same, a bunch of kids living in the grown up world, trying to survive! We're all hitting 25 (okay we're closer to 30) wondering if we're having a quarter life crisis, still sleeping with 21 year olds, although instead of making us feel young it makes us feel like cougurs... not that that is a bad thing... we haven't got a career, we haven't studied, we still go out clubbing every weekend, we live at home, we assume our friends who are getting married, having kids and buying houses are crazy, and yet, we're secretly panicking about not having a career, not having studied, living at home, the fact that we haven't found 'the one', or if we should be popping out kids asap.... Well let's discuss shall we?
Welcome fellow lemons 😘 🍋
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