Fabulous in 15 minutes
SH!T SH!T SH!T!.... If getting up hours before leaving the house is just not your thing (me either) or you are an exceptional procrastinator (right here) and you just realised you have fifteen minutes until you need to leave and you've only just stepped out of the shower (well done for the shower part), then you've come to the right place!
I read an article the other day on makeup and perception. After an experiment in which they they asked men what they thought three women (but all the same woman) with varying degrees of makeup would be like based of their pictures...(hello tinder)... they concluded that the men were more likely to treat the woman with less makeup in a more polite and 'girlfriend material' type manner, and to perceive her as more down to earth and honest.... where as the woman who wore the most makeup was treated as more of a hook up and perceived as the more likely to suck a d!ck... oh men you know nothing, if I've got time to put all that makeup on my face I don't have time to suck anything, let alone screw up my velvet matte lipstick I spent fifty dollars on and twenty minutes applying .... no f&*$ing way.
Any who, I'd still rather be the down to earth type of girl (except on Friday and Saturday nights of course 😉 ). So I thought I'd share with you my 15 minute makeup routine for when you want to look like you have your life together in 15 minutes and can be a fail safe to any "I'll be there in 15 😉 " texts if you get my drift 😏 .
When really you just woke up like "Who is that?! Aghh I'm am soooo late for work. Why did I drink on a Wednesday? I am so hungover. I can't go outside looking like this! I think I'm going to vomit..." no one wants to look like that. You're an adult for dogs sakes!
So in order to get that"I got up at five, went to the gym for two hours and ate a nutritious breakfast before completing my taxes and getting to work fifteen minutes early" ... you'll want to follow these steps. So I can help you keep that wholesome "girlfriend material" appearance, when you actually don't know who the f#ck that was in your bed this morning 😅 nor why there was pizza in your toaster?
With that in mind, I think firstly you need the right attitude... Stop caring... Love yourself... Woo! I'm getting laid!!! A little self love goes a long way.... But so does a little time management so stick to the plan, set your timer. Here we go!
Tinted moisturizer
Eyebrow gel and an Angled brush or an eyebrow pencil
Bronzer and a contour brush
Note: No lipstick because that shit just ends up all over your face... no matter what your doing 😏 ... like eating burritos, god get your mind out of the gutter... 🍆 'burritos'... hahaha
First off sunscreen everything... this is just to make sure you don't end up looking like Mick Jagger at seventy, when you're forty.
Then I like to start with my eyebrows, mainly because they take me the most time and if I screw it up I can usually rub it off and fix it without ruining the rest of my face hahaha. - Taking a very tiny amount of brow gel on your angled brush...
- Start by tracing your bottom hairline of your brow. Then the trace the top...
- Then you want to brush, using your spoolie, brush those lines into your brow. Short sharp strokes towards the middle of your eyebrow and fill any gaps you have with more color.
That should do. Now attempt to make the other one look the same using the same technique... Remember their sisters not twins 😉 (4min max)
Then the base... You need a good tinted moisturizer, foundation or something along those lines and a good brush if your that way inclined.... THAT MATCHES YOUR FACE!.... My god this is important... If you don't have this, stop now and go see an expert, I can't help you...
I like to use a tinted BB or CC cream, since it's not too heavy and seems to last all day on my combination skin. Winning! - Spot the cream sparingly under your eyes in the middle of your forehead and on your chin this should be all you need - Then in circular motions blend that shit outwards... all over your face - either with your fingers or a brush. - Add any extra coverage you might need in the same manner - i.e. the huge I haven't slept in a week bags or the very obvious hickeys on your neck.... (5min max)
Next is contours... damn I love this technique, it's like "hey you want to lose ten pounds from your cheekbones" BOOM! You look like you went to the gym for the last five years!
You should contour for your face shape if you don't know what that is or ... if you need help... Cosmo knows what's up... Stick to your face shape and a bronzer two shades darker than your skin tone... And Volia! Draw the lines and blend out towards your hairline and jaw... (2 min max)
Now highlighting (use sparingly or don't! Whatever). I use a crease brush for mine and I'm not going to lie it's what I get the most compliments on... FABULOUS! 💁 I usually do the bridge of my nose, my cheekbones, and if I'm feeling frisky just under my eyebrows and the corners of my eyes ... then blend out with a bigger flat brush... (1-2min max) Now pop on some mascara and you're ready to leave the house! Or not leave the house... 😏