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Moon Clock - DIY

A magical majestic moon clock - for all your astrological and galaxy themed needs (because we all have so many of those)...​​ 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔

Moon Clock



  • a clock - I bought this mdf one from k-mart (called the cement clock)

  • one thin and one thicker paint brush

  • a small spray bottle

  • a pencil

  • acrylic grey...white...silver

  • a sealer/varnish/top coat


​​1. Take the clock out of its packaging (obviously) ... just checking... I kept my packaging because (if it turns out well ) I might give this one as a present.

2. Remove the clocks hands... this should be quite easy, they should just pull right off... make sure you do not lose them, especially that little cap part... (this is extremely important!). Store them somewhere safe... and not that safe place that is so safe that you end up not remembering where you put it and end up

finding it ten years from now and not remembering what you bought it for in the first place... 'safe place' my ass

3. Next you want to google/insta some pictures of moons...get an idea of what they look like... done? Good ... take your pencil and draw some craters on your moon... some big... some little.. whatever.

4. Then take your big paint brush and using the black paint colour, paint half the side of your craters... in a C sort of shape... don't worry this is a base so its okay if you screw this bit up..

taking some white paint, colour the inside of your craters and anywhere else you like!

5. Also take your pencil and colour in the sides of your moon (I got a bit carried away here.... you should try and control yourself).

6. Then take the same thick brush (I used a dotting effect and a dry brush) add some silver paint and just go a little crazy... though sticking to the unshaded areas... ... the more shine the better!!

7. Next you want to take some of your white paint and pop it in your spray bottle. You want to dilute it with about three times as much water as paint... so 3 lots of water 1 lot of paint, (3:1)... (you really don't need much, a quarter of a teaspoon of paint will do)

8. Now take your clock outside or lie down a whole bunch of newspaper and place it on top... (spraying paint is meeeeesy you probably want to contain it)

9. Then, spray the white paint onto the lighter areas... I don't usually say this but less is definitely more in this scenario.. once you're happy, leave it to dry while you go mix up the next lot.

10. Clean out your spray bottle and following the same recipe as before (3:1) mix up some black paint and water... then spray that mixture onto the darker parts of the clock... I know its fun but don't get too carried away...

11. Leave it to dry overnight... if you cant contain your excitement, or you just need this done now because you left it till the last moment ... and need to continue asap just leave it for a good hour...

12. once it is dry, take your thin brush and paint some astroid craters in white... I like to stick to three or four, of different sizes to keep it interesting... ​

13. Now for my favorite part!... Once the astroid craters are dry.. take your varnish and poor a generous amount on top of your clock (staying away from the mechanism... that you took the hands off of at the beginning) ... spread the varnish out towards the edge... making sure you cover the whole clock.

14. Leave it to dry... this time definitely overnight... then once it is dry pop the hands back on.. and most importantly, replace the little cap.

15. TaDA! Moon Clock! Now you can hang that on the wall and tell people you "bought it from some obscure boutique deep in Brooklyn that they will never be able to find, because they only do one off pieces and it cost you three weeks rent, but it's okay because it's a one of a kind" - They'll never know ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

Moon Clock

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